What is it Reviva does?
"We specialize in providing refrigerated and frozen transport and the option for our couriers to do an age check at the door," says senior system and network administrator Max Landwer Johan.
Reviva offers the ultimate customer journey during and after ordering your product. They do this seven days a week in a time slot of your choice, day and night. Thanks to their personal and flexible delivery service and excellent communication, the recipient is always at home at the delivery time.
From hardware to the cloud
"Until 2020, Reviva had its in-house hardware systems, but in the same year, the need for an alternative arose," says Max. Reviva was looking for a scalable platform to control costs better and achieve better performance in its virtual environment. Max: "We knocked on Intercept's door because we were curious whether Microsoft Azure could help us with this."
After multiple sessions, Intercept migrated Reviva's environment to Azure. Max was awed by Intercept's dedication, "It's incredible how involved Intercept was during the project. They worked 12 hours non-stop to ensure a successful migration ."