Deep Dive

Learn how to build and deploy your application faster, more efficiently, and with greater flexibility in the cloud with Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS).

Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)

1.5 Hour



This workshop is intended for anyone interested in optimizing their application development and deployment using Kubernetes. Whether you're an experienced IT professional familiar with containerization or a newcomer to the world of cloud-native applications, this workshop offers valuable insights for all levels.

Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)

In this workshop, we will take you into the powerful world of Kubernetes and how it can enhance your application development and deployment! If you want to learn how to build and deploy applications faster, more efficiently, and with greater flexibility in the cloud, then this workshop is perfect for you.

Kubernetes is a revolutionary technology designed to radically transform the way we build and deploy applications in the cloud. Its primary goal is to empower developers with increased speed, efficiency, and flexibility, and it has taken the world of cloud-native applications by storm. If you're curious about how to apply Kubernetes effectively and what it means for your business, this free workshop is a must-attend.


Wesley Haakman

Principal Azure Architect

Richard Hooper

Principal Azure Architect

Introduction to AKS

The benefits of using AKS

Best practices and tips

Live Q&A Session

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