A step-by-step move to the cloud with application modernization

Many companies depend on legacy applications. The technology on which these complex systems were built is outdated, and it’s not easy to add new technologies to them. Although these legacy applications still function under the watchful eye of developers, software companies are finding that the limits are being reached. The application can no longer scale and the costs are increasing where the performance is decreasing. In order to realize their ambitions and the wishes of their customers, software companies are focusing on application modernization.

Modernizing your application in four steps:

1. Intake

First, we discuss your business needs and determine your desired result. Then, using our automated scans, we review your codebase to determine whether it is suitable for the Cloud. The scans also look at security considerations, outdated code, and open-source tooling (among other things). This way, you won't have any surprises when you deploy your applications to the Cloud.

Meeting Lara Stephen Amarins

2. Roadmap

With the outcome of the Intake step, we draw up a roadmap: a clear overview of the required improvements and development time. We define this roadmap together. It contains the pace, the costs to achieve the desired result, and the process. We also define who will pick up which part. Our services range from consultancy to application monitoring and management. In short: you can use us for the complete Application Lifecycle Management.

Application Modernization

3. Modernizing

Every transition to the Cloud is different. Every part of your total solution could be subject to a different migration/transformation effort. Some components could easily be migrated to a more cloud-native variant and some components are best modified and sometimes even rewritten. If this transformation is not possible for any of the components (for example, because it involves more time and cost in the short term than is desirable) then a ‘lift and shift’ is always a possibility. We call this "cloud rationalization". In short, there are the following possibilities for each component:

4. Manage

Once you've moved on from your legacy systems, you'll naturally want to keep it that way. We help you prepare your applications for the future and extend the life span of the technology. For a fixed monthly fee, we will help you manage and structurally improve your codebase through DevOps methodologies. This way you avoid creating tomorrow's legacy today

Jack Van Ommen

How may we help?

What is application modernization?

Why is it important to modernize legacy applications?

What does application modernization give me?

Why Intercept for application modernization

Can I get started myself with the tips from the intake and analysis?

Lara Lamberts

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