
Our quality promise to you: ISO 9001:2015

‘Say what you do, do what you say and demonstrate how you do it.’ That is a short description of the ISO 9001:2015 standard for quality management systems, which we proudly received in September 2020.

‘Say what you do, do what you say and demonstrate how you do it.’ That is a short description of the ISO 9001:2015 standard for quality management systems, which we proudly received in September 2020.


Fundamental basis

“The ISO 9001:2015 standard means that our customers can rely fully upon our quality promise”, says Operations Manager Arjen Veldman. “It ensures that we keep a sharp eye on our quality management. It is part of the fundamental basis of organization, on which we can further develop our business.” 


International growth

Speaking about developing our business... We recently added two British Azure MVP colleagues to our Onboarding Team. And our international customer portfolio is expanding as well. “To maintain our current growth it is of utmost importance that we maintain our quality”, says Arjen. “The ISO 9001:2015 certificate contributes to that goal.”


The full package

Quality is of course a reflection of our organization as a whole. From the processes to the employees. The certification process has challenged us to focus on, for example, competence management and the customer and employee satisfaction rates. Arjen: “We do not only want to serve our customers to the fullest, we also want our employees to enjoy going to work every day.”

Our promise

We value continuous improvement. Therefore, we have obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certificate, in addition to our ISO 27001 certificate and the Azure Expert MSP status. Why? Because we want to give our customers the certainty that they can rely on our quality promise and our drive to surprise them. With even more efficient processes, new services and valuable insights. To ensure that they get the best out of their own business.