Complicated software stacks, infrastructure, hardware maintenance, and regular updates are things you'd rather not spend time on. Yet, for developers who use an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) environment, this is a regular occurrence. To produce apps more accessible, faster, and cheaper, software companies are switching from an IaaS to a Platform as a Service (PaaS) environment.
PaaS is the next step in your journey
The days when we went to a store to buy a software CD, which you then had to install and update yourself, are almost gone. Today, apps are developed and built in-house on a large scale. With the demand for apps growing exponentially, and the ability to sell them worldwide, many Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) are ready for the next step in their cloud journey: a Platform as a Service.
More possibilities, less work
PaaS is a ready-made platform for deploying apps and services. Microsoft provides the underlying infrastructure (see image). Also, with a PaaS environment, you no longer need to spend time setting up and maintaining servers, authentication, patches, or upgrades to the operating system and middleware. You can focus on building, testing, deploying, and optimizing apps and services that add value for your customers.

Quickly responding to customer needs
Platform as Service environments are the solution for both large and small software companies to quickly respond to the changing needs and demands of the market. This is also the case for the Danish Frontliners: "We had our first paying customer in September 2020," says Frontliners' CTO Jeannette Hansen. "By the end of 2021, we expect to have 9,500 users." To ensure that the Danish software company's platform was ready for this immense growth in customers, it migrated its solution from IaaS to PaaS. You can read the entire case here.
From Virtual Machines to Web Apps
For Frontliners, the move from IaaS to PaaS meant a shift from using Virtual Machines to the flexibility and scalability of a Web App. With the right configuration and minimal code changes, almost any Web Application can be ported to an Azure Web App flawlessly. Web Apps is one of the 5 Azure PaaS services you don't want to miss as an Independent Software Provider. Find out what the other 4 are.
Say goodbye to redundant resources
Those who switch from IaaS to PaaS say goodbye to all superfluous resources. Managing an Azure platform, therefore, requires different expertise than managing traditional data centers. For companies that, like Frontliners, want to speed up and capitalize on investments already made, the help of an Azure Expert Managed Service Partner (MSP) is a godsend.
Carefree development at all times
An Azure Expert MSP is an experienced partner who helps you with a safe migration from IaaS to PaaS and the management, monitoring, and maintenance of your environment. This partner also advises you proactively on how to improve your environment continuously. So that your customers always have fast and secure access to their business-critical systems. And you can develop carefreely. Curious what this means for you? Check out our Managed Services.
Are you ready to make the transition from IaaS to PaaS? Then don't hesitate to contact us.