
Which Azure Cloud Services Are Relevant for My Organization?

Azure has a range of services for every kind of Cloud computing that complement your environment. There are numerous Azure Cloud Services to choose from. This article discusses the most important and relevant services for your organization.

Azure has a range of services for every kind of Cloud computing that complement your environment. There are numerous Azure Cloud Services to choose from. This article discusses the most important and relevant services for your organization.

 Virtual Machines

For organizations with an existing scenario, working with Virtual Machines (VM) is the easiest option. You can seamlessly migrate your application to the Cloud by means of “Rehosting” while using all languages, workloads, and operating systems. Microsoft calls it “the performance of a supercomputer with the scalability of the Cloud.”

If you run an application on a VM, you can deploy it worldwide within seconds. As it increases scalability and reduces costs, a VM is often the first step in migrating to the Cloud.


 Azure App Service

Azure App Service is the next step of Virtual Machines. The App Service makes it easy to build and deploy web, mobile, and API applications using virtually any framework. You can run the app in containers or the desired operating system. In addition, the App Service offers continuous integration, live-site debugging, and solid options for integration with APIs and apps from the Azure Marketplace.

Using the Azure App Service means you no longer have to worry about the infrastructure: It’s fully managed, including in terms of security and performance.


 Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps

With Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps, you no longer need to manage a platform. All you have to do is send code to Azure and indicate which triggers or events run the code. Microsoft assumes responsibility for the platform – you work “serverless.”

The biggest difference between Functions and Logic Apps is that the code is triggered by an event in the former, whereas a workflow is trigged by an event in the latter.

These services are relatively complex to build, so it’s best to leave this job to an expert.


 Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Kubernetes is a “container orchestration system” for Docker containers, allowing apps to be sent on a wide scale. The Azure Kubernetes Service is a fully managed service for this system. It offers the potential for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) and enterprise-level security and governance. By working with AKS, your organization will spend less time managing and operating the Kubernetes environment.


 API Management

API Management is a service that everyone should use, as it offers a complete solution for publishing, managing, and securing APIs to external and internal customers. Instead of working with separate components, they can all be accessed via one address. This simplifies the management of your API environment.


 Azure Backup and Recovery Services

If you work with Virtual Machines or in a hybrid environment, you can use Azure Backup to secure your environment and make a backup of your chosen data in just a few clicks. Using a central dashboard, you can recover data and generate reports for compliance purposes.

“Recovery Services” enables you to replicate your app anywhere in the world if necessary.

If you’d like to know more about the various Cloud Services, feel free to contact us. We’d be happy to tell you more. In addition, we can give you more specific advice about other Cloud Services that meet the needs of your organization.

If you’d like to know more about what capabilities Azure can offer, sign up here for our Microsoft Azure Cloud Essentials workshop.