Blog Migration Azure

Four pitfalls of migrating to the public cloud

When you migrate to the public cloud with your application, data, and workloads, you want everything to go right. In this article, you'll read about the four pitfalls we encounter when migrating to the Azure cloud.

Reading time 1 minute Published: 11 October 2017

1. Do not do an elevator and shift migration

Migrating your IT environment via elevator and shift, the one-to-one transfer of resources, often results in a complex and expensive situation. It is a mistake that is common today, not taking into account Microsoft Azure's own architectural principles. It is recommended that you translate your functionalities to Azure's design standards. You avoid unnecessarily high costs by charging for the required functionalities according to the pay-per-use principle.

2. No consideration of a fall-back scenario

Numerous factors can lead to the disruption of a migration. However, when resources are migrated, a fall-back scenario is often not taken into account. It is therefore advisable to have a fall-back scenario available at all times. This way, continuity is guaranteed.

3. You don't want to pay too much, do you?

Virtual machines (VMs) often have enormous overcapacity. Any peak loads must of course be absorbed. However the continuous reservation and payment of resources automatically leads to unnecessary higher costs.

4. Not having a conclusive migration plan

A migration without the right experience may lead to loss of functionality, long downtime, and failure to meet the right compliance issues. Therefore, having a conclusive migration plan that matches your expectations is essential for a successful migration.